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Transforming Mobile Machines Transforming Mobile Machines

Using electrified, electronic and digitally networked solutions, we are helping you to create the next generation of mobile machines. Our performance gives you access to increased power, safety, efficiency and intelligence.


We are your strong partner in mobile hydraulics. Using electrified, electronic and digitally networked solutions, we are helping you to create the next generation of mobile machines – harvesting machines that perform precision farming, powerful construction machines that automatically excavate or level, and handling equipment with locally emission-free electric drives. Our performance gives you access to increased power, safety, efficiency and intelligence for your mobile machines - in short we meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Now. Next. Beyond.

Now. Next. Beyond.

Integrated solutions for mobile machines

The technology partner of choice for customers in the field of hydraulics, electronics, electrics and IT solutions integrating advanced software functionalities to deliver safe, efficient, powerful and intelligent mobile machines.

Connected, adaptive, scalable, highly integrated smart mobile machine systems

The technology partner of choice for customers developing highly integrated and flexible solutions operating independently from power source including hydraulics, electronics, electrics and software for future drive and implement systems. Focused on meeting customer requirements for intelligent, safe, powerful and efficient systems which are easily integrated, operated and maintained in smart mobile machines.

Assisted, semi-autonomous and autonomous functionalities for mobile machines operating independently from power source

The technology partner of choice for customers seeking to develop innovative hydraulics, electronics, electrics and IT solutions with fully integrated software functionalities. Designed for autonomous, electrified and intelligent (self-learning) mobile machine connected to our IOT Ecosystem to enable flexible concepts ranging from intuitive, manual operation to fully autonomous solutions.