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OverviewFor safer processes and improved productivity
The bigger the economic consequences of a downtime, the higher the priority given by users to maximum system uptime and preventive checks on critical conditions. Should malfunctions occur nonetheless, what counts is that the system works again in no time. Rexroth offers you legal support in the form of user-specific service agreements including its general terms and detailed information about resources and termination.
Individual services for your business provided by Bosch Rexroth
Depending on the machine pool and internal maintenance capacity, standard services are often inadequate for many end-users. Customized Rexroth service agreements are tailored to meet the individual requirements of the user in order to maximize plant uptime and avoid unpleasant surprises. In the event of a failure, Rexroth provides immediate assistance for plant operators to restart the machine as fast as possible.
If you would like to get additional information about our customer service agreement, specific contract details and related issues, please feel free to contact us.